Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nurse Driven, Sleep Hygiene Protocol, A Source Of Anxiety...

The inability to sleep is a source of anxiety and stress for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU); this inability can lead to cardiorespiratory disturbances, immune system dysfunction, impaired wound healing, hormonal and metabolic imbalances, cognitive changes, and delirium. Through the use of quiet times and nursing actions that encourage sleep, or, sleep hygiene bundles, nurses can assist in improving sleep quality in the ICU. These bundles include noise and light reduction, scheduling routine procedures outside of reserved sleep times, the use of earplugs and eye masks, and the grouping of nursing care activities to minimize sleep interruptions. The aim of this proposal, therefore, will be to implement a nurse-driven, sleep hygiene protocol, in order to improve patient care by promoting quality sleep in ICU patients. Barriers to implementation include staff resistance to the concept, concerns regarding patient care during sleep times and difficulties in coordinating care with other units. Studies used to gather information for this proposal were published between the years of 2011 and 2016 and were found in several databases: Academic Search Complete, Medline, and OVID Journals. Keywords: ICU, intensive care unit, critical care, quiet time, noise, and nursing. Quiet Time in the ICU One of the top three sources of anxiety and stress for patients during an intensive care unit (ICU) stay is the inability to sleep (Kamdar, Needham, Collop, 2012). There isShow MoreRelatedHesi Practice31088 Words   |  125 Pagesweeks gestation regardless of weight. D. A neonate diagnosed with intrauterine growth retardation. 2. A client with type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus has just learned she s pregnant. The nurse is teaching her about insulin requirements during pregnancy. Which guideline should the nurse provide? A. Insulin requirements don t change during pregnancy. Continue your current regimen. B. Insulin requirements usually decrease during the last two trimesters. C. Insulin requirements usuallyRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesHoldener, S4Carlisle Publishing Services Composition: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Printer/Binder: Courier/Kendallvi lle Cover Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: 10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United StatesRead MoreDeveloping Effective Research Proposals49428 Words   |  198 Pages1 Empirical research – data Our subject is empirical social science research, and developing proposals for doing such research. Empiricism is a philosophical term to describe the epistemological theory that regards experience as the foundation or source of knowledge (Aspin, 1995: 21). Since experience refers here to what is received through the senses, to sense-data or to what can be observed, I will use the general term ‘observation’2 alongside the term ‘experience’. Thus ‘ empirical’ means basedRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagestheory , Keynes’ insights are equally relevant to organization theory. Here Keynes alludes to the pivotal role any theory generally plays in how we make sense of and act in the world. He also suggests that hidden dangers lurk when we are unaware of the sources of the theories we inevitably apply in practically undertaking whatever it is that we do. Therefore, we must be cautious about what it is that influences our behaviour and be able to reflect upon and assess the implications of the theories we areRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 PagesCompetitor-centred Customer emphasis Major Customer-oriented Market-driven Figure 1.1 Customer and competitor orientations (adapted from Day, 1990) INTRODUCTION 5 that focuses on year-on-year improvements in key operating ratios, or on improvements in sales volume without making direct comparisons with competitors. Such an orientation is potentially disastrous when viewed in strategic terms. At the opposite extreme is a market-driven approach to marketing which seeks to balance a responsiveness

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